To showcase Lippincott’s preeminence in brand portfolio management, we were selected to develop a special issue of the brand consultancy’s “Sense” journal.
Creating Content (and Context) for New Business Book
When he was writing his second business book, Robert A. Rudzki, president of management consultancy Greybeard Advisors, hired us to help him enhance his content and meet his deadlines.
Adding to MIT’s Library of Management Thinking
For MIT’s journal of business research and ideas, we edited select feature articles that had passed muster with peer reviewers.
Getting More Value From Existing Marketing Investments
To help branding consultancy Lippincott get the maximum benefit from its marketing investments, we repurposed the firm’s core thinking on the theme of brand strategy before, during, and after a merger.
Helping Manpower Tell Important Stories About Talent Migration
To stake its claim as an expert in workforce management themes, Manpower worked with us to develop a detailed white paper on the huge migrations of talent across borders and between regions — and the impact of those migrations for policy makers and business leaders alike.
Developing Yearly Industry Report for Bain
We have written and edited Bain’s yearly report on the global diamond industry for six years running.
Presenting an M&A Boutique as Expert Seller Too
C.W. Downer & Co., a prominent merger-and-acquisitions boutique consultancy now known as Alantra, chose us to help reach small business owners who might be considering selling all or part of their companies.
Enabling Accenture to Reach C-Suite Prospects
Accenture called on us to develop articles and position papers that would demonstrate a deep understanding of the issues confronting C-suite business executives.
Turning Accenture’s “Tech Vision” From Modest Bulletin to Flagship Report
Ergo Editorial helped boost Accenture’s yearly “Technology Vision” report from a modest bulletin authored by the CTO to a high-impact, wide-circulation publication that has become central to Accenture’s go-to-market strategy.