Get to know a few of our Ergo Editorial team! If you’re a strategic content specialist with the heartbeat of a customer service star and you’d like to know more about working with Ergo Editorial, please contact us and we’ll respond promptly.


Harris Collingwood specializes in translating good ideas into engaging, persuasive publications …



Harris Collingwood specializes in translating good ideas into engaging, persuasive publications, and his bylined work has also appeared in IncThe New York Times Magazine, the Atlantic, and elsewhere. Harris has held senior editorial posts at Business WeekSmart MoneyWorthThe Harvard Business Review, Forrester, and The Week, sharing in three National Magazine Awards along the way. Whether developing content from scratch, turning a deck of slides into a compelling report, or polishing a near-final manuscript, he brings to each project a thorough grounding in business, technology, and finance. A graduate of Harvard College, Harris spends his free time volunteering at The Philadelphia Little Shul, the city’s last surviving row-house shul, making music, cooking, or catering to the whims of a fat rabbit named Hoppipolla, the majordomo of Fat Rabbit Editorial Services.

Paul Cumbo

Following several years as a lead technical writer for Roche-Genentech, Paul contracted with a premier …



Following several years as a lead technical writer for Roche-Genentech, Paul contracted with a premier management consulting firm as the principal writer for a white paper series produced in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. Previously, he produced strategic content for numerous clients including Harvard University and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration while pursuing a career in secondary education as an English teacher at two independent schools for boys. Working with Ergo Editorial, Paul has developed premium content for a wide range of global management and strategy consulting firms. Paul is the author of four books, including Wilderness Therapy, winner of the 2020 Writer’s Digest best independently published book award. He holds a master’s degree in writing and another in educational leadership.


John’s early career plans involved joining the CIA or State Department with the goal of …



John’s early career plans involved joining the CIA or State Department with the goal of helping solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But those agencies had little use for a Middle Eastern case officer/analyst who didn’t speak a Middle Eastern language. Fortunately, as he was failing his Arabic language classes, he was falling in love with writing. Since that time, more than 30 years ago, and working exclusively in English, he has been a reporter and editor at The Energy Daily in Washington, D.C., a chief spokesperson at a major electric utility in Phoenix, Arizona, and a research director at E SOURCE, a boutique research and advisory firm that helps utilities take better care of their customers. He founded Egan Energy Communications in 2009 to provide writing and consulting services exclusively to companies in the energy and utilities industry. He earned a B.A. cum laude in Political Science from the University of Chicago and a Master of Business Administration from Arizona State University. Once a year, John makes time to re-read and reflect on George Orwell’s seminal essay, “Politics and the English Language,” to renew his faith in the power of writing clear, crisp copy.


Alice has broad experience writing for consultants and business professionals at all levels and across …



Alice has broad experience writing for consultants and business professionals at all levels and across the spectrum of geographies and industries. Her recent experience includes writing on retail, e-commerce, travel and logistics, climate change, electric vehicles, digitization, commercial and investment banking (as a former senior banker), manufacturing (agile, lean, supply chains, six sigma, inventory management, green, etc.), industrial goods, chemicals, pharma, and biopharma. Before going freelance, Alice was a senior editor with McKinsey & Co. for seven years and worked for 18 years as a commercial and investment banker, including senior positions with ABN Amro and The Fuji Bank, where she analyzed a broad variety of industries. earned degrees in economics and English at Vanderbilt University, where she was elected Phi Beta Kappa.

Marilyn Harris

Marilyn thinks of herself as a utility player. A graduate of Barnard College (BA, summa cum laude) in …



Marilyn thinks of herself as a utility player. A graduate of Barnard College (BA, summa cum laude) in English and writing, she has experience as a municipal reporter; a tech editor and a bureau chief for BusinessWeek; and as an associate producer for CBS 60 Minutes. In addition, she has held executive positions in corporate communications and video programming and production. As a freelancer, Marilyn has written for a wide range of clients in business and higher education, producing profiles, op eds, reports, research highlights, white papers, and marketing communications, in subjects ranging from finance and economics to tech to social policy. These assignments have helped her develop a knack for translating complex subjects into readable, engaging text.


For more than 20 years, Jan has been helping global thought leaders in business, academe …



For more than 20 years, Jan has been helping global thought leaders in business, academe, and the public sector advance their ideas. As a writer and editor (and president of Westward Eye, LLC), her clients include leading management consultancies, research organizations, publications, and independent authors.

Jan covers a wide range of topics and industries, including people management, transformation, supply chain, autonomous vehicles, outsourcing, M&A, consumer goods, mining, technology, and financial services. A former columnist for Institutional Investor, Jan served for a decade as editor of a leading Harvard newsletter and before that, as director of programs for institutional money managers. She has ghostwritten and edited books and consulted on corporate e-learning products for Harvard Business Publishing.

A longtime resident of the Rocky Mountains, Jan likes to think that living in remote, high-altitude places gives her a fresh perspective on the world. She is passionate about jazz, dogs, horses, and cooking. When not in Wyoming, she, her husband, and two dogs are on the Olympic Peninsula restoring a wooden schooner. Jan holds a B.A. in French literature from Yale University and has studied at Columbia University and the Sorbonne.

John Landry

John turns semi-formed ideas into articles, blogs, reports, and books that businesspeople want to …



John turns semi-formed ideas into articles, blogs, reports, and books that businesspeople want to read. A longtime editor at Harvard Business Review (HBR), John has written under his own name for that magazine and others. Originally trained as a business historian (University of Chicago and Brown University), he brings a deep understanding of management and commerce supplemented by years co-overseeing HBR’s translated editions and other syndicators. He has worked with many consulting firms, entrepreneurs and academics to bring their insights to life, and has special expertise in management compensation and finance. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his family, and writes history on the side.


Dan has more than 20 years’ experience working with management consultants, business and nonprofit …



Dan has more than 20 years’ experience working with management consultants, business and nonprofit executives, business academics, and university administrators to develop their best thinking and present it in clear, compelling prose. He has written articles for many major global professional services firms and, under his own name, for publications including Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School Bulletin, HBS New Business, Working Knowledge (HBS), and Restoring Trust in American Business: A Report on the Project on Corporate Responsibility (American Academy of Arts and Sciences/MIT Press, 2005). Dan is also coauthor, with Peter A. Brooke, of A Vision for Venture Capital: Realizing the Promise of Global Venture Capital & Private Equity (New Ventures Press, 2009). He has degrees in English from Boston College, the University of Oxford, and Harvard University and remains an unabashed bookworm.


Michelle Rafter ghostwrites business thought leadership content for executives …



Michelle Rafter ghostwrites business thought leadership content for executives and global management consulting firms. Her strengths include: researching, outlining, and writing content that helps busy executives position themselves as insightful subject-matter experts; project management, including coordinating multiple authors and global teams to bring projects in on time and on budget, and: writing survey-based reports with real-life examples and data viz that make statistics come alive.

Rafter previously collaborated on content marketing strategy, editing, and writing for such brands as AAA and American Express. Previously, she worked as a business and technology journalist. Her work has appeared in such publications as Computerworld,,, Industry Standard, Los Angeles Times, MSN Money,, PBS Next Avenue,, and The Wall Street Journal. She lives in Portland Oregon, with her family and fox terrier, Juniper.


A journalist and editor since 1980, Sean has spent most of his career covering a wide range …



A journalist and editor since 1980, Sean has spent most of his career covering a wide range of technology and business management topics. In past lives he held editorial roles at C-Net, ZDNet, launched Investor’s Business Daily’s Silicon Valley bureau, and was business editor of the Peninsula Times Tribune in Palo Alto. He has interviewed many high-level executives, including Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Michael Dell, Gordon Moore, John Sculley, Steve Case, Alan Shugart, and Michael Spindler (the Apple CEO no one remembers). Currently he is Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, a website covering new ideas and research from the HBS faculty. He looks most fondly at the six years spent as a general assignment reporter for the Napa Register, where he developed a taste for writing on deadline – and for Carneros-region pinot noir. Sean has BAs in journalism and political science from San Jose State University.

Mike Sisk

Mike has been a journalist for 30 years and since founding his company, Hamilton Bridges Media …



Mike has been a journalist for 30 years and since founding his company, Hamilton Bridges Media, he has been helping industry leaders develop their thought leadership to reach clients, prospects and win the attention of the media. He got his start in the financial services and technology arenas and continues to work actively in these areas, but over time he has expanded his expertise across many industries and geographies. Besides his extensive work with several Fortune 500 companies, Mike’s articles have appeared in American Banker, Barron’s, Inc., Institutional Investor, strategy+business and Worth. He is a frequent moderator of industry webinars and podcasts and specializes in helping industry leaders hone their messages through these outlets. He has also ghost-written and co-authored several books, including “Merge Ahead: Mastering the Five Enduring Trends of Artful M&A”. Mike has a BA from Haverford College and an MSJ from Northwestern University.


Jonathan has more than 25 years of experience as a journalist, writer, and editor …



Jonathan has more than 25 years of experience as a journalist, writer, and editor. He helps senior business leaders formulate and communicate distinctive perspectives on a wide range of topics, with expertise in business operations, supply chain, engineering, manufacturing, and product development. Jonathan has a First Class Honours degree in Engineering, Design and Appropriate Technology from the University of Warwick, UK, and a PhD in Ergonomics and Biomechanics from the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. He enjoys cycling and swimming, and spends summer evenings working as an open-water lifeguard.